Wednesday, January 29, 2014

a pig and her girl

Does life get any better than this?

You may not know this, but I was given a baby pig for Christmas. Basically, I made a big fuss about how much I wanted a pig, so Caleb got one for me. The squeaky wheel truly does get the grease. Her name is Gertrude, but I, and everyone else, call her Gerty. She has a right fat little belly, gains about a kilo of weight a week, and I love her. Here is a list of reasons to explain why we are soul mates.

1. She is very food motivated. 
One time, I tried to teach her a trick. As soon as she realized that I had treats and that she was not being given all the food at once, she lost her mind and ran around screaming in circles. I've not tried to teach her a trick since that day, but I am still hopeful that it can be done. I can't really blame her. I, too, tend to have a meltdown when someone withholds food from me.

2. She loves to snuggle but only on her terms.
If I pick her up, Gert squeals like the dickens until I put her back down. However, if she wants to be in my lap, nothing can stop her. She was sleeping in my lap, and it was time for me to go in for dinner, so I moved her to be sitting next to me. She immediately crawled right back into my lap and grunted contentedly. I too can be really snuggly, but only if I choose to be. Otherwise, don't touch me.

3. She loves digging for stuff. 
She uses her nose. I use my hands. Regardless, there may be some treasure down there.

4. She is constantly covered in dirt.
Need I explain this? (Mom, I promise I am showering.)

5. She will eat anything.
Me too, but not to the degree that she does.

6. She loves having her belly scratched.
Just kidding. Don't ever scratch my belly.

7. If she runs really fast, she has to stop and cough for a while.
This altitude gets me, too, Gerty. Keep training and one day we will both be able to breathe.

8. We both experience love from others through quality time.
We can lay around for hours just chilling in the sun. I like to have a book with me and a hand ready to scratch Gert's belly until she falls asleep on my lap or right next to me. One time, I thought it would be nice to have tea as well, but, again, as soon as she realized that there was something consumable and it wasn't being given to her, she lost it. Then I would just cover her eyes every time I took the mug down for a sip.

9. She burns easily.
She is mostly a black pig, but she does have a pink ear. It sunburns so easily! I definitely have that super fair pink skin as well, except mine covers my whole body and all of it burns like crazy.

10. She has freckles.
Gert's freckles are elegant just like Morgan Freeman's. Mine are less noticeable, but still fairly prominent. Twinsies!

Essentially, we are best friends. Gert is awesome.