Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We went on a field trip today rather than having a normal morning of classes. We went to see a pottery cooperative where people can learn the technical skills. Some of the crafts they produced included anything pottery related, bracelets, bags, and tie dyed cloth. The majority of their products were made from recycled materials, so that is awesome too. We watched the artists turn sand into clay with water and a great deal of elbow grease (or really foot grease because they mixed it up by stepping on it). They brought pots up from a base with great speed and using only their hands. There were no wheels and hardly any tools. We watched one man take large chunks of clay that he smooths into great wads and then add them to the base by slowly twisting and attaching the wad to the already formed base. It looked like he was painting the clay out thin air.

The artist making the pot right in front of us was talking with Moses, Lydia and I in Kinurwanda. Moses leaned over and said, "He just asked if you were an adult then why are you so small?" Great observation, sir. You have hit the million dollar question. I ask myself that every day.


  1. Oh my goodness! I read your last thought outloud and the whole office was laughing and loving you! Great pics, by the way!

  2. Small, but mighty! Like Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar is either 5'2" or 5'4").
