Tuesday, September 17, 2013

a wedding

So, I have indeed made it to Rwanda. I am safe and sound with my cousins and will be falling asleep very shortly. Before I tell you of my journey here, I have to finish telling you about my beloved Canada.

I finished up my couch surfing tour back where I started my summer: at the Methven's house. You see, Alison is one of the people I went on the road trip with. (Was that five years ago, or what?) Alison picked me up from Newmarket and we headed to her house, which is very close to the wedding that we attended on Saturday. One of my dearest friends married an absolutely amazing woman on Saturday. It was such a gift that I was able to be there. Again, it was odd but felt so right that I was getting to see and hang out with my camp friends outside of camp. I borrowed a dress from one person and shoes from another and attempted to contain my Justin Beiber flow with a host of bobby pins. I succeeded in that endeavor... Mostly.

The ceremony was wonderful. It was full of joy and worshiping God. It was so clear that this couple approached their relationship and marriage as a way to move one another even closer to the Lord. It was also so fun to see the two of them and their groomsmen (all camp men) looking so spiffy! We spend the whole summer looking ragged and a bit (ok, very very) dirty. If I do say so myself, we are an attractive crowd and we clean up good. The best thing ever happened at the end of this wedding: the wedding party processed out to Footloose by Kenny Loggins. Yeah, that happened. It's as if Jason looked into my soul and knew that this was exactly how I had always wanted his wedding to end. It was magical.

The reception was basically all my camp peeps and I dancing for hours on end. Seriously, there would be times when the dance floor was a little more cleared out, but we held our ground like we had tar on our heels. There was no removing us from that dance floor. Someone suggested that since we work at Adventure Camp, we spend our entire summers making complete fools of ourselves and loving every minute of it because we make our kids and each other laugh. We are also ridiculously comfortable with one another. This is the perfect recipe for dance hilarity. The ceiling couldn't hold us. Hand down, the best part of that whole dance time was when the song Thrift Shop by Macklemore came on. You may remember that Wynd-it and I rewrote the lyrics to that song to make a music video at AC. So, the song comes on, Mike and I are dancing near each other, and both of us sing the entire song with the lyrics that we wrote. Ok, we didn't remember all the lyrics, but we did pretty well.

Being at the wedding of two people I love immensely and getting to dance the night away with a whole crowd of people that I love immensely was the best way to end my summer. I know that is was their wedding, but it was also my going away party, and also Rhys' birthday party. Essentially, it was just a really big party.

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